"WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Cartridge or Bag" is the WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water(health drink) generator which is created by the "WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Technology(Highly-energized WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Ceramic)", induced from the highly energized state of infinitesimal amount of ferric ferrous salts, found from living body water. Putting "WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Ceramic Cartridge or Bag" into water makes WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water. From natural ingredients, it's "WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Ceramic Cartridge or Bag", You can put into water tank.
Product name : WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Cartridge - for water tank
Size of body: 50mm (caliber) x 95mm
Life time : The usage of 750Liters(26,000oz.) / unit.
Product name : WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Bag - for water tank
Size of body: 130mm x 130mm
Life time : The usage of 1,000Liters(35,000oz.) / unit.
Product name : TARAMA Pi(¥ð)-Water Ceramic Stick / Size of body: 20mm (caliber) x 110mm (H)
* How to use:
Put ¡°WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Cartridge or Bag¡± into drinking water(water tank).
Follow "reaction time" per "volume of water tank" on the instructions.
It change to a "mellow taste", which will occur better health condition of your body.
Recommended for improving health condition.
Directions for use : Refer the instructions inside.
Ingredients : WonYong Pi(¥ð)-Water Ceramic Balls(natural minerals).
No artifical additives or chemicals added.
Manufacturer: WONYONG Corp.